“Am I just bad at sales?”
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

“Am I just bad at sales?”

I used to think the same thing.

I’d hop on a sales call…

But then (more times than not) the prospect turned out to be UNQUALIFIED. They didn’t have the right mindset. And they didn’t have the money.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Well here’s the good news:

It’s not a “selling” problem.

You’re probably just attracting the wrong people.

Which means… it’s really just a marketing problem (i.e. everything that happened prior to the sales call).

Let me explain.

Great marketing not only ATTRACTS your ideal customer but also REPELS those who aren’t a great fit.

Whether it’s with your…

social media content

YouTube channel

or even your website

Same thing with your email marketing.

Not only should you be inspiring your leads to take the next step… but ALSO repelling those who will never buy from you.

How do we do this?

I use what’s called an “indoctrination sequence.” A series of emails a lead receives AFTER opting into your lead magnet.

In these emails you’ll talk about:

what you believe in

the type of people you work with

the people you don’t work with

And then once they’ve gone through this sequence… they’ll start getting your regular weekly/bi-weekly/daily newsletters.

I know it can feel bad to push people away…

But this is important.

Not only will you get MORE qualified customers on your sales calls. But you’ll also waste a hell of a lot LESS time.


Hope this helps.

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I’m raising my prices (and you should too)
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

I’m raising my prices (and you should too)

Let me tell you a story.

This weekend I was invited to see the Savannah Bananas by my good friends Joe Polish and Evan Carmichael (which was great by the way).

Now during the game Evan and I had a conversation about my ideas for the new Elevated Coaches Academy.

As I told him…

The ORIGINAL plan was to keep prices low.

That way it’s not a huge investment (which means LOTS of coaches would be able to take advantage of the community).

Makes sense, right?

But what Evan said completely shocked me:

I should charge MORE.

Like… 100x more.

Which might sound a bit crazy (I thought so too) – who would pay that much for a coaching program?

But it actually makes complete sense.

As Evan explained it:

“You could give the SAME advice to a $15,000 customer that you could to a $200 customer. But there’s a BIG difference. The person paying you $15,000 is more likely to take action… which means they’ll see better results.”

Customers who pay more get better results.

But the thing is…

It’s not because they’re paying more.

It’s about the customer. The kind of person you attract. And the truth of the matter is MORE money means a MORE quality client.

So instead of making the Academy super attainable (like we originally planned)...

I’ve decided to charge more.

We want customers who are willing to pay the price. Customers who are committed to the execution of our strategies.

Now with that being said:

Next month will be the LAST month we only charge $1200 for our VIP days.

Which if you don’t already know…

For our VIP day you get 3 of our best experts – myself, a brand strategist, and an automation specialist. Over the course of the day we’ll sit down with you to map out your business, brand strategy, and content.

And on June 1st the price will go up to $3,000.

Which is probably still too low.

But that’s what we’re doing.

Point is…

If you feel like you’re attracting the wrong customers (i.e. people you have to BEG to take action) you’re probably just charging too low.

Charge more and the right people will come.

P.S. Want to take advantage of our old pricing before we raise it? Click here to book a call with me to learn more about our VIP day (and see if we’d be a good fit to work together):

>>> https://letsmeet.io/raylendavis/strategy-call

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[NEW VIDEO] 6 Books To Read If You're Starting A Online Business
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

[NEW VIDEO] 6 Books To Read If You're Starting A Online Business

What’s the last book you read?

Over the past year I’ve probably read over a hundred books. And I know might sound a bit crazy… but here’s what I’ve come to realize:

Books are powerful.

Especially if you’re trying to build a business.

For just the price of a few coffees – books give you a SHORTCUT to decades worth of experience in just a few hundred pages.

Which is a great deal.

But there are 6 books (in particular) that helped me the MOST in scaling to 6-figures. And if you read them… I believe they can help you grow YOUR business too.

Check this out:

>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3V6h_xpF1c

Hope it helps.

P.S. I’ve even put the books in the right order. That way you know exactly where to start.

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How to avoid “coaching biz burnout”
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How to avoid “coaching biz burnout”

Read this email if you want to scale your coaching business past 5-figures WITHOUT burning out.

Over the past couple weeks we’ve been talking about the “5 Keys to Growing Your Coaching Business.” Which if you implement these keys correctly…

You’ll reach your first $10k.

Which is great!

But here’s the reality for many “successful” coaches:

They get LOTS of clients and start making LOTS of money… only to struggle to find time for anything else.

They spend HOURS every day:

> reaching out to clients

> keeping them happy

> onboarding new clients

> working out technical difficulties

> upselling current clients

Sounds stressful, right?

(This actually happened to me last year… and I burned my agency down because of it).

Well here’s the good news:

There’s a better way to scale your coaching business.


I use Keap.com.

This nifty tool allows you to automate all your sales, marketing, and service through pre-scheduled campaigns. Which means if you have your customer journey nailed down…

You can send the RIGHT stuff at the RIGHT time.

(Note: You don’t have to automate through Keap – there are other options. You could even set up a semi-automated system through Notion).

The point is this:

Without automation you can’t scale… eventually making your life a hell of a lot more difficult. And you’ll most likely get stuck.

I had to figure this out the hard way.

So to help you AVOID my own mistakes… I’m hosting a free webinar TOMORROW to teach you the “5 Keys to Growing Your Coaching Business.”

During this training we’ll cover several essential topics including (1) developing your brand strategy, (2) how to build out your customer journey, and (3) how to automate the whole thing.

The goal is to help you get clients and scale your business.

And it’s completely FREE.


Click here to register for the free training:

>>> https://raylendavis.easywebinar.live/event-registration

Hope to see you there!

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I’m quitting Instagram?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

I’m quitting Instagram?

I know this might come as a shock.

Mostly because I’m the guy who spent several YEARS creating daily Instagram posts (and told everyone they should do the same).

But recently…

I decided to give up on Instagram.

I think the most OBVIOUS reason why Instagram sucks is the algorithm changes. This platform (in my experience) used to be a pretty easy place to generate leads - and I think many business owners would agree.

> People saw your content (attention)

> Some of them clicked on your profile

> Then some of those people clicked on your link in bio

But even though the IDEA is the same…

There’s a huge problem:

In recent months it’s almost impossible to get reach on Instagram (at least without spending TONS of money on paid ads). Which means less people clicking on your profile… and even less people clicking on your link in bio.

Not good.

So what’s the alternative?

Here’s a platform I discovered is GREAT for capturing attention and pre-motivating people to invest in your services (especially as a coach or consultant):


And for 3 main reasons.

First… YouTube is what’s called “middle of the funnel.” When someone clicks on your video it means (1) they were actually SEARCHING for that topic or (2) they’ve watched some similar content in the past.

This means they’re more likely to:

> click the link in the description

> download your lead magnet

> and actually use/consume it

Your conversion rate is higher.

Another valuable thing about YouTube is the watchtime. As you might already know… the best way to generate sales in your business is trust.

And what’s the best way to build trust?


With YouTube you can do this at scale. In other words… creating ONE video is like having a conversation with hundreds or thousands (or even millions) of people at the same time.

That’s called leverage.

The third little bonus benefit of YouTube is that once you build a big enough following… YouTube will start paying you to create content.

Think about that.

YouTube literally pays YOU to generate leads for your OWN business.

So for these 3 reasons:

> getting highly-targeted viewers

> more trust through watchtime

> getting paid to generate leads

I believe EVERY coach and consultant should build a YouTube channel.

And to help you do that - I’m hosting a free event on April 24th called “The 5 Keys to Growing a Successful Coaching Business.”


If you want to learn my EXACT process for generating leads & clients through YouTube (plus the other 4 keys to building a successful coaching/consulting business)...

Click here to register for the free event:


The goal is to help you get clients and scale your business.

Hope to see you there!

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